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Coldago Map 2024 for Object Storage

Mature technology segment with 13 vendors studied with 9 elected leaders

Coldago Research, an independent market research and analysis firm, unveiled a few days ago its 6th edition of the Map for Object Storage.

This 2024 edition studied 13 companies and elected 9 leaders: Cloudian, DataCore, Dell, Huawei, IBM, MinIO, Pure Storage, Quantum and VAST Data.

For each Map, Coldago collects tons of data during the previous 12 months meeting vendors, end-users and partners, scrutinizing product announcements, success stories and partnerships among other things. Each vendor receives, if needed as it is not systematic, a dedicated matrix to fill, covering the product line and related features aligned with the topic, business and operations, users and installed base. The Coldago team then digests, segments, groups and normalizes all this data to make comparison and ranking easier.

The firm considers and ranks companies not products and includes all products related to the specific Map for each vendor studied. In other words, the team chose to not limit a vendor to one specific product among others and thus to face potential difficulties to justify this limit and one particular product. As an effect, a vendor could be represented by one product if it plays in the category with that single product but also by a line of products if several of them belong to the domain. The idea is really to reflect the market presence of the company in that respective data storage domain. A product is considered in the matrix if it exists for at least 6 months at the date of the matrix and begin actively promoted as an official GA instance. No minimum age is mandatory for any company to be listed in the report but it is required that companies already have clients in production for each product. It means that a small install base is a must to illustrate some traction. Coldago also limits its selection of companies based on its own decision. Small medium business and other entry-level categories are avoided.

The vendor filled matrix allows the analyst team to consider categories such as companies, business and strategy, product and technologies.

  • For companies, the analysis company pays attention to management, background and founding team, track record, successes and failures, years of existence, geo presence, number of employees, VC status (funding, total raised, number of rounds, VC names…), IPO, visibility and potential exits.

  • For business and strategy, dimensions related to business model, go to market, alliances, partners and oem, pricing model, revenue, various ratio, transactions, operating efficiency, use-cases, vertical and solutions approaches, references, end-users installed base and retention with repeat orders, competition replacement and uninstalls but also things like business behaviors.

  • For product and technologies, key indicators are product/market fit, current release, evolution and roadmap, frequency of releases, IP and patents, product development agility, internal product design and architecture, new technology integration, standard adoption, positions and contributions, features, access methods, data protection and services, cloud integration and other options, performance, official benchmark participation with public results and visibility. Open source modules and integration of external components are also important as the analysis team pays attention to the real ownership of the technology. In other words, the firm values design, build and development by vendors vs. integration. Beyond data protection, data corruption, loss of integrity and regression impact vendors’ rankings if it had happened at users’ sites.

With all this information collected, sorted and weighted, Coldago inserted them in a series of formulas to obtain indexes to help us rank vendors. These secret sauce algorithms represent the core of the study coming from raw data to final positions and indexes, resulting in the Coldago Index and the Coldago Map.

Again, Coldago rank companies playing in a data storage domain from the past 12 months not betting from future, potential and hypothetical directions.

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