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Buffalo Assigned Patent

Cloud management server, cloud system, and recording medium

Buffalo Inc., Nagoya, Japan, has been assigned a patent (11954182) developed by Onishi, Tatsuya, Nagoya, Japan, for cloud management server, cloud system, and recording medium.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A cloud management server comprises processing circuitry configured to access a device database storing information identifying a storage device in association with information identifying an owner thereof, access a license database storing license information of a license for a cloud storage, information identifying a license subscriber of the license, and information identifying a license sharer, receive setting information about a first license from a first license subscriber, refer to the device database to acquire information identifying a first storage device, set an update authority of the setting information to at least one of the first license subscriber and a first license sharer, and receive update instructions of the setting information, to refer to the update authority of the setting information, to confirm that the update instructions are given by the first license subscriber or the first license sharer having the update authority, and update the setting information.

The patent application was filed on 2022-03-08 (17/688905).
