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Asian Tour Media in Singapore Adopts EditShare

For live production and post to meet complex demands of golf coverage

EditShare, LLC has delivered a shared storage system, with integrated asset management, to Singapore-based Asian Tour Media.

Asian Tour Media In Singapore Adopts Editshare

The company provides coverage and content distribution for the Asian Golf Tour, the only recognized pan-Asian professional golf tour in Asia.

Asian Tour Media had an existing shared storage network, but its operation was severely limited by its lack of practical production asset management functionality. Editors searching for material were using OS searches, which was slow and inconvenient. As well as good asset management, the new storage system also had to provide support for 4k Ultra HD, including the ability to move material as proxies when bandwidth was limited.

The Media Village, EditShare’s partner in Singapore, set up a demonstration built on EFS storage nodes and FLOW production asset management. The PoC also showed that the EditShare architecture provides ample bandwidth for multiple I/O and concurrent users in 4k.

In capturing all the coverage of a professional golf tournament, the production generates a huge amount of content. The EditShare installation allows media managers to put markers on all the action points after ingest, so editors can instantly access the clips they need. The system is used on the road at tournaments, and also in Asian Tour Media’s HQs to prepare packages in advance to make the live coverage more engaging.

We knew that we wanted to replace our aging video servers,” said Peter White, senior head of production, Asian Tour Media. “We wanted good asset management, and excellent bandwidth for multiple users and remote access. The Media Village arranged a demonstration, and the rest is history.”

At Asian Tour Media, our content and our staff are our assets.” he continued. “With EditShare we have found a better way of managing and monetizing our content. We are developing new workflows which will allow us to become more efficient. Time saved means more time to be creative – and more work/life balance for the staff.

Said Bacho, chief revenue officer, EditShare, commented: “With our local partner The Media Village we could show Asian Tour Media how they could transform their workflows with EFS and FLOW, and give them the confidence to develop efficient workflows and operational practices they need. The technology is designed for production professionals, making it logical and intuitive to use and absolutely reliable when there is no second chance.

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