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R&D: Efficient LSM-Tree Key-Value Data Management on Hybrid SSD/HDD Zoned Storage

Experiments show that HHZS prototype, when running on real ZNS SSD and HM-SMR HDDs, achieving highest throughput compared with all baselines under various settings.

Arxiv has published an article written by Jinhong Li, Qiuping Wang, and Patrick P. C. Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Abstract: Zoned storage devices, such as zoned namespace (ZNS) solid-state drives (SSDs) and host-managed shingled magnetic recording (HM-SMR) hard-disk drives (HDDs), expose interfaces for host-level applications to support fine-grained, high-performance storage management. Combining ZNS SSDs and HM-SMR HDDs into a unified hybrid storage system is a natural direction to scale zoned storage at low cost, yet how to effectively incorporate zoned storage awareness into hybrid storage is a non-trivial issue. We make a case for key-value (KV) stores based on log-structured merge trees (LSM-trees) as host-level applications, and present HHZS, a middleware system that bridges an LSM-tree KV store with hybrid zoned storage devices based on hints. HHZS leverages hints issued by the flushing, compaction, and caching operations of the LSM-tree KV store to manage KV objects in placement, migration, and caching in hybrid ZNS SSD and HM-SMR HDD zoned storage. Experiments show that our HHZS prototype, when running on real ZNS SSD and HM-SMR HDD devices, achieves the highest throughput compared with all baselines under various settings.
