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Comet Backup and Filebase Integrate to Provide Backups

Across S3 object storage powered by Blockchain

Comet Backup announced an integration partnership with Filebase, the object storage platform powered by decentralized storage networks.

Comet Filebase News Intro

This integration partnership provides Filebase customers with a fast, secure backup solution to protect their data and ensure its availability, with an average cost savings of 94%.

Filebase’s storage backend connects to multiple decentralized storage networks, powered by blockchain. The Comet-Filebase environment ensures that data is secure and always encrypted during backup, transit and at rest. With objects stored redundantly across multiple geographies, bucket replication policies are a thing of the past.

With Comet Backup, customers have an all-in-one platform with a flexible architecture that allows customers to manage backup with enterprise-grade S3 object storage and fast recovery.

Developers and Administrators spend endless capital and energy today in the cloud, never fully convinced if they have a proper 3-2-1 backup policy in-place,” said Zac Cohen, co-founder and COO, Filebase, Inc.The speed and elegance of Comet Backup plus Filebase allows for automated and performant backups that are geo-distributed by default. The solution pays for itself immediately, because you aren’t required to build-out costly bucket replication policies just to have durable and performant data.

Comet’s chain-free, incremental forever technology allows for data to be de-duped on the fly, transferring directly to Filebase’s S3 object storage with no spool space. Backups are incremental forever and after the first backup, customers never have to re-upload the full file again. The company’s commitment to data security includes AES-256 military grade encryption, two-factor authentication and free auto-renewing SSL support.

We’ve seen increased demand for high performance storage at a competitive price point and our integration partnership with Filebase allows Comet partners to access that,” said Josh Flores, GM, Comet Backup. “This is why we’re excited for the benefits of Filebase’s blockchain-powered, decentralized storage and Comet’s own securely encrypted, deduplicated incremental backups working together.

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