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SullivanStrickler Member of Active Archive Alliance

Offers active archive solutions, known as intelligent tape archive.

The Active Archive Alliance announced that SullivanStrickler, LLC (now S2|DATA LLC) has joined the collaborative alliance, which promotes modern strategies to solve data growth challenges.


SullivanStrickler joins a growing number of storage and IT vendors that support the use of active archive solutions for data lifecycle management.

We’re pleased to welcome SullivanStrickler to the Active Archive Alliance,” said Peter Faulhaber, chairman of the Active Archive Alliance and president and CEO, Fujifilm Recording Media USA., Inc.The Alliance brings the best of breed technologies together to provide end-users with active archive solutions for intelligent data management. More and more, companies worldwide are embracing active archive technologies to manage the complexities and realize the value of their unstructured data sets.

Rising unstructured data volumes are intensifying the need for active archives, which manage data for rapid search, retrieval, and analytics. Efficient and cost-effective, active archives leverage an intelligent data management layer that enables online access to data throughout its lifecycle and regardless of which storage tier it resides. Active archive solutions support a variety of vertical markets and applications, including M&E, high-res media, rich data streaming, healthcare, telecommunications, life sciences, IoT, AI, ML, data lakes, and surveillance.

SullivanStrickler offers a suite of active archive solutions, known collectively as the intelligent tape archive, combining security with the speed and versatility of the cloud to deliver fast time to data and insight on demand. This offering is driven by its proprietary software, Invenire, an advanced metadata review tool, and TRACS, a tape restoration tool capable of accessing virtually any media, in any format, anywhere in the world.

Many organizations are seeking to transform legacy tape-based data pools into intelligent tape archives with easy data management, access and retrieval,” said Brendan Sullivan, CEO, SullivanStrickler. “Our Intelligent Tape Archive is a unique suite of software, hardware and physical security that delivers unmatched legacy data insight and faster time-to-data while eliminating cost and risk. We are excited to join the Active Archive Alliance and help promote solutions that manage data for rapid search, retrieval, and analytics.

Members and sponsors of the alliance include Fujifilm, Spectra Logic, Atempo, Harmony Healthcare IT, IBM, IMT Software, Iron Mountain, MediQuant, PoINT Software & Systems, QStar Technologies, Quantum, Qumulo, StrongBox Data Solutions, SullivanStrickler and Western Digital.
