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SanDisk/WD SSDs Will Fail at 40,000 Power-On Hours, Said Cisco

Like formerly Dell EMC and HPE

Field Notice: FN – 70545 – SSD Will Fail at 40,000 Power-On Hours – BIOS/Firmware Upgrade Recommended

Products affected
Cisco Ssd Sandisk F1

Defect information:

  • Defect ID: CSCvt55829https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvt55829
  • Headline: SSDs will experience data loss at 40,000 power on hours

Problem Description
Certain SSD models will experience data loss.

Due to a firmware index bug, a drive that operates for 40,000 hours will experience an invalid index and will cease to function.

Problem Symptom
The SSD will report 0GB of available storage space remaining under normal operation at 40,000 power-on hours (4.5 years). The drive will go offline and become unusable.
Caution: If the SSD reaches the 40,000 power-on hours mark, the drive will be completely unusable and you will have to replace the drive. It is critical that customers upgrade the firmware in order to avoid this issue.

Install the latest firmware in order to resolve this issue. The fixed firmware version is C405.

The firmware to correct this issue is contained in these releases:
Release/Software Download
3.0(4p) and later/UCS C220 M4 Rack Server Software
4.1(1c) and later/UCS B-Series Blade Server Software
4.1(1f) and later/UCS C220 M5 Rack Server Software

Read also:
Some SAS SSDs From HPE and Other Companies (Dell EMC, WD?) to Fail
After 40,000 hours of operations because of firmware defect
March 25, 2020 | Press Release
