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Fujitsu Eternus AF S3 AFAs and Eternus DX S5 Hybrid Storage Systems

AF150 S3 delivers AFA for SMBq, and DX900 S5 enterprise-grade midrange hybrid storage achieves maximum IO/s and scalability in data center with low latencies.

Fujitsu Ltd. announces its extended line-up of Eternus AF S3 AFAs and Eternus DX S5 hybrid storage systems.

Fujitsu Fts Visual Primary storage family

Designed to support the new paradigms of digitalization, this gen of storage systems is performance-optimized to manage the data growth, always-on applications and complex workloads of the digital age, while offering storage efficiency to keep costs at a minimum.

Eternus AF150 S3

Fujitsu Eternus Af150 S3

With the introduction of 2 new storage solutions – the entry-level all-flash Eternus AF150 S3 and the enterprise-grade, midrange hybrid storage system Eternus DX900 S5 – the company expands its storage portfolio to meet the needs of any data center environment, delivering the architecture for all data requirements and business demands.

Solution for smaller businesses and branch offices, AF150 S3 entry level AFA combines cutting-edge storage features and performance at an affordable price. Optimized for low response times this storage system can work with data volumes of up to 92TB.

Fujitsu Eternus Af 1911

The AF150 S3 is easy to deploy and manage and is compatible with all other storage systems of the Eternus family. This allows customers to grow their storage infrastructures and operate several storage solutions across their network through one unified management interface.

Eternus DX900 S5

Fujitsu Eternus Dx900 S5

The second newcomer, DX900 S5, fills a gap at the top end of the market as an enterprise-grade, midrange hybrid storage system that delivers performance at an attractive price. Scalable up to 4 controllers, it provides enough scalability for most use cases, storing up to 70PB and achieves million-level IO/s as confirmed in the latest results published by the Storage Performance Council (SPC) (1). Hardware-accelerated compression means it delivers efficiency, while storage replication, mirroring and transparent failover gives customers peace of mind when it comes to reliable business data continuity.

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Fujitsu Eternus Dx Spectabl

More processing power and faster memory
Alongside theses two products, the company introduces the third gen of Eternus AF AFA and the fifth gen of the DX hybrid storage family. The firm has turbo-charged the AF S3 (2) and DX S5 (3) lines with more processing power, faster and bigger system memory, NVMe cache in the midrange hybrid storage systems, as well as hardware-accelerated compression and deduplication technology. These result in enhanced performance and scalability for business-critical storage in data centers, branch offices and SMBs, providing reliable support for the demanding business and analytical applications.

Easy storage management
Management of all new and existing Eternus storage solutions is straightforward thanks to SF Storage Management software. It offers monitoring features through an user interface, including shared functions – such as replication, migration and the operation of storage clusters across the all-flash and hybrid systems, all delivered with simple and transparent licensing.

To help customers maximize their storage investment, the company has created a guarantee program (4) for the Eternus product gens, which includes commitments to zero downtime, data reduction, and 100% SSD availability as well as covering customer satisfaction and continued support for customers’ expansion and growth.

Kenichi Sakai, SVP, head, system platform business unit, Fujitsu, said: “The relentless digitalization of everything creates countless new data sources, as well as new applications to turn the masses of data into business value. According to IDC, by 2025 the global data sphere will grow to 175 trillion gigabytes, with much of this residing in enterprises. We have addressed the challenge of storage system by creating one seamless product family for business-critical data that can meet any business requirement for performance, capacity and cost. What’s more, we are so confident in the performance of our Eternus products that we are now offering a comprehensive guarantee program for our customers.

Theses Eternus storage systems will be available to order from November 2019 onwards (5) via the company and its channel partners. Pricing varies according to configuration.

[1] SPC Benchmark-1Storage Performance Council. A non-profit organization that evaluates the performance of storage by leading companies in the storage industry. SPC Benchmark -1is a trademark of the Storage Performance Council. The SPC Benchmark-1 is designed to be vendor/platform independent and applicable across a broad range of storage configuration and topologies. SPC Benchmark-1 consists of a single workload designed to demonstrate the performance of a storage subsystem while performing the typical functions of business-critical applications. Those applications are characterized by predominately random I/O operations and require both queries as well as update operations.
[2] Eternus AF S3 – The AF150 S3,AF250 S3, AF 650 S3 AFA systems have been updated with the new gen of Xeon processors, increased system memory and hardware-accelerated storage compression and deduplication(in AF250 S3 and AF650 S3), delivering higher IO/s, efficiency and reduced latency.
[3] Eternus DX S5 – The DX60 S5, DX100 S5, DX200 S5, DX500 S5, DX600 S5 and DX900 S5 hybrid storage systems have been updated with the new gen of Intel Xeon processors, hardware-accelerated storage compression and deduplication in the midrange hybrid systems(DX900 S5 offers compression only), unified hypervisor-less lean stack and superfast NVMe cache in the midrange hybrid systems, delivering higher IO/s, efficiency and reduced latency.
[4] New guarantee program – Customers are required to register for the Fujitsu Storage Eternus AF/DX Global Guarantee Program, and must have a valid maintenance support contract within the product maintenance service period. The availability and start ,e of the guarantee program depends on the country, additional local terms and conditions apply.
[5] Available to order from November 2019 onwards availability depending on model from early 2020 for Eternus AF150 S3/AF250 S3/AF650 S3, Eternus DX60 S5/DX100 S5/DX200 S5/DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5.
