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History (1988): Control Data Opens HDD Plant in Singapore

Joining other major disk drive makers

According to the SoutheastAsia High Tech Review, Control Data Corp. (CDC), joining other major disk drive makers, will open manufacturing facilities in Asia.

CDC has announced plans to establish two plants employing more than 500 people in Singapore. One plant will build disk drives; the other will make oxidemedia components for disks.

The five-year projected investment for the plants is $24.5 million.

The disk drive plant will make 5.25-inch Wren II half-height drives.

History 1988 Control Data Hdd Plant Singapore

The Rigidyne, a 3.5-inch drive, may be produced later.

CDC VP William J. Miller said the AsiaPac region is the fastest-growing market for disk drives, and the firm’ s move to Singapore is a response to that expansion.

The company has had a sales office in Singapore since 1982.

This article is an abstract of news published on the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter on issue ≠2, volume ≠1, published on March 1988.
