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Storage Capacity More Than Doubling WW by 2023 at 12ZB – IDC

$88 billion in 2018 revenue

In its inaugural report, Worldwide Global StorageSphere Forecast, 2019-2023: Meaningful Shifts in How and Where Data is Stored, International Data Corporation estimates that the installed base of storage capacity worldwide will more than double over the 2018-2023 forecast period, growing to 11.7ZB in 2023.

It measures the size of the worldwide installed base of storage capacity across six types of storage media, and how much of the storage capacity is utilized or available each year. The installed base of storage capacity is a cumulative metric: it is equivalent to the amount of new storage capacity deployed over the span of several years minus the systems or storage devices that either fail or are retired or decommissioned each year. The Global StorageSphere is a product of IDC’s Global DataSphere program, which measures how much new data is created and/or replicated each year.

The Global StorageSphere is large and diverse, encompassing many different storage technologies, and growing rapidly,” said John Rydning, research VP, IDC. “Within the Global StorageSphere, enterprises, especially cloud providers, are increaingly being relied upon to store and manage the world’s repository of data.”

Key findings from the Global StorageSphere forecast include:

Only 1-2% of the data created or replicated each year is saved or stored for any period of time; the rest is either immediately analyzed or delivered for consumption and is never saved to be accessed again. Yet suppliers added more than 700EB of storage capacity across all storage media types to the worldwide installed base in 2018, generating over $88 billion in revenue.

The installed base of storage capacity being managed by enterprises is outpacing that of storage capacity managed by consumers, largely because consumers increasingly rely on enterprises, especially cloud offerings, to manage their data. By 2023, it is estimated that enterprises will be responsible for managing more than three quarters of the installed base of storage capacity.

The installed base of storage capacity is expanding across all regions, yet it is growing faster in regions where cloud datacenters already exist or are expanding. The installed base of storage capacity is largest in the AsiaPac region and will expand to 39.5% in 2023.

Read also:
Global Datasphere From 33ZB in 2018 to 175ZB by 2025
22ZB must ship across all media types from 2018 to 2025, with 59% supplied from HDDs – IDC/Seagate
Press Release – November 28, 2018
