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Archive360: Archive2Azure Supporting Azure Data Box

To transfer large data volumes to Azure with no impact on bandwidth or network resources

Archive360, Inc. announced it is among the first to deliver full support for Microsoft Corp.‘s Azure Data Box.

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ARCHIVE360 Archive2Azure platform

In addition, the company announced it is also among the first to be added to the Microsoft Azure Data Box Partner Program. The firm’s Archive2Azure clients can enjoy data migration to Azure, in the same cost effective, secure, legally and regulatory compliant manner they have come to depend on from the company.

Microsoft Data-Box

Our Archive2Azure customers rely on us to onboard massive volumes of many different types of data as a critical element of their data estate modernization initiatives. The Microsoft Azure Data Box enables us to extend these capabilities with a new option that ensures absolutely no impact on bandwidth or network resources. By combining Archive360 with Azure Data Box, clients can complete migration initiatives in less time, and accelerate their time-to-value in Azure,” said Bill Tolson, VP, marketing, Archive360. “We are delighted to extend our alignment with Microsoft, and proud to be among the first to be approved and added to their Azure Partner Program.

Dean Paron, director, Azure Data Box, Microsoft, said: “We’re pleased to have Archive360 as a partner for Microsoft Azure Data Box. Working together, these solutions streamline large-scale data migration to the cloud and help customers accelerate their Azure investments.

The Azure Data Box provides a secure method for quick and simple transfer of data to Azure. Customers can connect it to their network, and then load data onto the Data Box using standard NAS protocols. Data is automatically protected using 256-AES encryption. The Data Box is then returned to the Azure Data Center to be uploaded to Azure, then the device is securely erased.

The Archive2Azure information management and archiving platform enables organizations of all sizes across virtually every industry vertical, to capture, extend, onboard and manage numerous types of structured and unstructured data into their Microsoft Cloud (Microsoft Office 365 and Azure) in a manner that meets regulatory, legal and business mandates in a legally defensible and compliant manner. Archive2Azure addresses requirements which include ensuring all data is stored in its original format, is WORM compliant when needed, is secure and can be found and retrieved quickly. It enables all customer data to be maintained in the customer’s own Azure tenancy, retention/disposition policies to be assigned, chain of custody to be maintained, and powerful audit and reporting for peace of mind, and more.

Transferring Huge Datasets to Archive2Azure with the Data Box

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