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2021 NVMe Market Size at $60 Billion – G2M Research

70% of AFAs to be NVMe-based by 2020

G2M Research, part of G2M Communications, Inc., announced the 2017 NVM Express (NVMe) Market Sizing Report which extends the market forecast into 2021, and provides spotlight sections on the fastest-growing segments of the NVMe market.

Since we released the first edition of the report last year we have seen significant growth and evolution in several segments of the NVMe market,” said Michael Heumann, lead analyst for G2M Research and managing partner of G2M Communications. “The goal of the report is to help our subscribers understand where growth and innovation is happening in the NVMe market, allowing them to correctly position their companies to take advantage of these trends.”

As with previous versions of the report, the 2017 edition provides market overviews and forecasts for NVMe products in a variety of categories.

Key findings include:
NVMe Servers: More than 50% of enterprise servers will have U.2 NVMe bays by 2019.
NVMe SSDs: The market for NVMe SSDs (U.2, M.2, and PCI AOCs) will reach $9B by 2021.
NVMe-Based All-flash Arrays (AFAs): More than 70% of AFAs will be NVMe-based by 2020.
NVMe Storage Appliances: Over 70% of storage appliances will be NVMe-based by 2021.
NVMe over Fabric (NVMe-oF) Adapters: The market for NVMe-oF adapters will exceed 1.5 million units by 2021.

Detailed market forecasts through 2021, actual revenue for 2016,
and breakdown of markets by geographical area

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