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Index Engines With Legacy Data Migration Assurance Program

Streamlines migration of data of value from backup tape to cloud or disk-based storage.

Information management company Index Engines, Inc. launched a services and software program that streamlines the migration of data of value from backup tape to cloud or disk-based storage, supporting data center cost reduction and risk management.

Index_Engines_Assurance_ProgramThe Legacy Data Migration Assurance Program leverages company’s in-place tape indexing and selective restoration technology and scans, audits and locates valuable business files and email on backup tapes and migrates the data to a new online platform for long-term retention where it can be managed according to data governance retention policies.

This eliminates the use of legacy backup tapes for data archiving and enables online management of long-term retention data to control risk and provide more cost-effective eDiscovery support.

Organizations have used backup tapes as an archive for decades, however in today’s legal and regulatory climate storing sensitive business records on offline, inaccessible media is proving costly and complex,” Jim McGann, VP, Index Engines, said. “Our new service simplifies the migration of this sensitive content to the cloud or online disk storage and reduces the risks and costs surrounding unmanaged offline legacy data.

With the assurance program, customers to eliminate the redundancy of tape, and find and extract the 1- 10% that has LTR value. The company remotely manages the project to assure success and mitigate the end user time commitment.

Engineers manage the installation, training, processing and ongoing support of the migration project in order to guarantee success. The organization simply needs to install a server and tape library within their secure data center, and through remote management the firm will manage the data migration.

Legacy Data Migration Assurance Program is reasonably priced per tape and includes:

  • Installation and configuration: Implementation of the firm’s software and connection to tape libraries and network/cloud storage in the client’s data center.

  • Product training: Training on the user interface as well as the administrative features of the product.

  • Migration policy development and implementation: Development of data policy to determine what content will be migrated from tape to disk.

  • Project overview and timing: Development of a project plan that will determine the resources required for the project as well as a schedule and milestones.

  • Daily audit and onsite coordination: Daily remote monitoring of the company’s system to review logs and audit the process.

  • Troubleshooting and resolution: Monitor and resolve any issues in a timely manner.

  • Monthly executive review: Monthly meetings to review the progress and milestones as compared to the defined project plan.
