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New Pricing for Forever Photo Cloud Storage

100GB at $11/month

Forever, Inc. announced new pricing that enables permanent storage and sharing of family memories for as little as $4 per month.


Responding to members who are seeking a single, private and secure ‘digital home’ for all of their memories, Forever.com is now offering 10GB of permanent sharable storage (or approximately 10,000 photos) for a monthly subscription price of $4. Three different packages are available – 100GB (approximately 100,000 photos) now costs $11 per month. Beyond just sharable storage, these monthly subscriptions include permanent membership in the Forever service, toll free telephone support, access to all Forever apps across multiple hardware and software platforms, ownership of a custom subdomain (usually based on the member’s name) and inclusion in the Forever guarantee.

People are telling us they are overwhelmed by all of their photos. They have photos on their mobile phones, their digital cameras, their laptops, on backup drives in their closets, on social media sites, on photo sharing sites, in temporary cloud storage, in albums in their living rooms, and in boxes in their attics. What they really need is one affordable place – a digital home – where they can save, organize, edit and curate all of their family memories. This place needs to be private, secure and permanent. And it needs to be provided by a company they can trust,” said Forever founder and CEO, Glen Meakem. “Forever is this permanent digital home.

New members can choose from three monthly subscription packages. These monthly ‘subscription to own’ packages are paid over 120 months. A 40% discount is offered to those who prefer to make an up-front, one-time payment.
