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Enterprise Cloud-Integrated Storage Archiving Solution by Alliance Storage Technologies

Merges optical storage with cloud.

Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc., in professional data archiving solutions, announced the availability of their enterprise Cloud-integrated Storage (CiS) data archiving solution.

Alliance Storage Technologies,Cloud-Integrated Storaged

The solution merges optical storage with the cloud supporting the company’s focus on compliant data archiving across all industries including legal, healthcare, law enforcement, and more.

The introduction of the new archiving tier permits businesses and organizations to utilize cloud, optical or both for archiving data which ultimately results in the implementation of a flexible, adaptable archiving ecosystem. The integrated solution offers centralized data management with seamless access to the cloud storage tier. This enables cloud on-boarding without risk or loss of control over data. Additionally, the low TCO of the cloud makes it attractive as an alternative for offsite copy, backup and recovery of archive data.

The ASTI CiS solution adds to the array of affordable options for archiving data empowering customers to store data securely at required price points,” explained Chris Carr, CEO. “This unique flexibility, not previously available, enables businesses and organizations to implement an archiving ecosystem well-suited to their operational requirements and needs for regulatory compliance, offsite storage for DR, HA and long-term preservation of data.”

CiS is a progression to the company’s product strategy of adhering to storage industry 3-2-1 Archiving and Data Protection Best Practices. The 3-2-1 guidelines recommend a rapid access copy of data be accessible locally (RAID), with two copies on different types of media (fulfilled by cloud or optical), with at least one of the data copies stored off-site remotely or on removable media (cloud or optical). File virtualization provides virtualization of archive storage across disparate storage resources including RAID, cloud and optical. The increased archiving options offered by the solution make it simple for businesses and organizations to adhere to the guidelines.

ASTI’s cloud solution is implemented within the company’s Archive Management Software, developed specifically for data archiving. This enables enterprise-grade features adaptable to any sized business or industry. Cloud offers a lower cost alternative to HA hot sites and is an option for organizations such as regional hospitals with requirements for maintaining backup copies of data at remote data centers located at least 75 miles from the primary center.

CiS provides business benefits such as thin provisioning that enables users to pay only for storage resources utilized, thin restore that facilitates expedient recovery in DR situations and on-premises control of user authentication and access. Users can implement additional features that augment the CiS archiving ecosystem including replication for HA and data encryption with key management for securing data.
