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Buhlmann Gruppe Implements DataCore and Fusion-io

Achieving faster application performance and "50% cost saving"

DataCore Software Corporation announced that Buhlmann Gruppe, in steel piping and fittings, headquartered in Bremen, Germany, has implemented a storage management and virtual SAN infrastructure based on its SANsymphony-V software.

Buhlmann Gruppe

The software manages and optimises the use of both the conventional spinning disks (i.e. SAS drives) and the integrated flash memory-based Fusion-io ioDrives through DataCore’s automatic tiering and caching technology.

With this solution in place, the physical servers, the VMware virtual servers and most importantly, the critical applications needed to run the business – including Navision ERP software, Exchange, SQL and SharePoint – are failsafe and run faster.

As the company grew, the performance and availability of the legacy IT systems in place were unable to meet the amplifying business requirements of Buhlmann; so a new solution was sought.

What is important for us is that our systems maintain the highest levels of availability and performance at the best price and that we have the portability and flexibility we need to grow,” states Marco Niebur, director of IT, Buhlmann Gruppe. “Our IT landscape is constantly evolving to match the growth of the company, therefore we knew we needed to look for a flexible, vendor-independent solution to meet our storage needs and that is what we found with DataCore. Flexibility, hardware independence and great value for the money made the decision easy to go for the DataCore solution.

Fusion-io optimized for HA and performance with SANsymphony-V
In combination with the virtualisation experts from DataCore’s authorised and trained partner, Personal Computer Organization GmbH & Co, the new software-defined infrastructure was configured, installed and integrated within two days

The software was installed on two HP Proliant servers, connected to six HP 2700 disk enclosures, housing 150 SAS disk drives, providing 46TB to each site. To increase performance, each server was also equipped with a Fusion-io ioDrive Duo card with 640GB capacity. The Flash Accelerator memory card, combined with DataCore, doubled the data throughput compared to conventional SSDs.

In order to economically implement a HA and high performance system to meet our requirements, we used the Fusion-io cards combined with the powerful features of SANsymphony-V,” explains Niebur. “High-speed mirroring and auto failover ensure the highest levels of availability. The thin provisioning feature improved our utilization by allowing us to free up previously reserved space, so that we can now use all our capacity more flexibly and efficiently. The need for spare capacity and the need to buy more disk space is lower and thus we reduce our costs. By using DataCore’s auto-tiering and adaptive caching, the more expensive, faster flash memory based resources are effectively used across all the disks – so that the amount needed can be considerably smaller and therefore more cost-effective.

DataCore and Fusion-io: Turbo Acceleration for tier 1 applications
After testing of the implementation, the migration of the physical and virtual servers onto the DataCore powered SAN was carried out. A number of physical servers, the SQL and Exchange system and other file servers now access the performance DataCore storage environment. In addition, DataCore now manages, protects and boosts the performance for storage serving 70 VMs under vSphere that host business critical applications – including the ERP system from Navision, Easy Archive, Easy xBase, SharePoint and BA software.

The response times of our mission-critical Tier 1 applications have improved; performance has been doubled by the use of DataCore and Fusion-io,” says Niebur. “The hardware vendor independence provides storage purchasing flexibility. Other benefits include the higher utilization of disk space, the performance of flash based hardware, as well as faster response times to meet business needs that we experience today – and in the future. Combined, they save us time and money. Even with the new purchases involved, we have realised saving of 50% in costs compared to a traditional SAN solution.
