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Stonefly Begins StoneFusion Shipment

Network storage platfom integrating Permabit Albireo de-dupe

Permabit Technology Corporation announced that StoneFly Inc. has begun customer shipments of its StoneFusion Network Storage Platform that incorporates Permabit’s Albireo data dedupe software to deliver cost and management savings in enterprise.

It brings in block-level storage intelligence to the IP network core. With the addition of Albireo, an efficiency solution, the company is able to add data dedupe without impacting its differentiating capabilities or reducing performance that their customers have come to expect. Users benefit from increased storage utilization through resource consolidation, storage provisioning, centralized access control, volume management, and storage services including active/active clustering, mirroring, replication, encryption, snapshots, and thin provisioning.

In addition, it’s offering a virtual storage appliance, including data dedupe, that can be integrated into any storage architecture and will be sold separately from their StoneFusion solutions.

We value Permabit’s partnership in providing storage optimization features that offer data efficiency and cost-saving benefits throughout the IT infrastructure for our StoneFusion Network Storage Platform customers,” said Mo Tahmasebi, president and CEO, StoneFly. “Permabit Albireo is the best available solution for comprehensive storage efficiency.

Incorporating Albireo SDK with StoneFusion NSP provides customers with high performing, scalable storage solutions. Reducing storage capacity generates recurring impact on the cost and manageability of data growth in areas including storage licensing, storage management, power, cooling, and data center floor space.

StoneFly gains a tremendous competitive advantage with Albireo and their customers are the winners,” said Tom Cook, Permabit CEO. “The StoneFusion Network Storage Platform and its next-generation storage architecture with Albireo data efficiency will exceed the demanding storage needs of StoneFly customers for years to come.
