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New UK Company in Online Backup Service: Covenco

With fail-over recovery to virtualised DR infrastructure.

DR specialist Covenco
Recovery Services Ltd
announced a cloud
backup service
to deliver online backup and fail-over recovery to
virtualised DR infrastructures.

It has been designed to cater for all
backup and recovery scenarios, and the recovery time expectations of
customers. It recognises that many customers, have already invested
in backup hardware and software, or require outright ownership, but
wish to utilise DR services for managed fail-over in the event of a
serious disruption.

Gurdip Sohal, sales director, said:
"Customers demand varied RTOs, some measured in minutes for
critical servers. We have designed a scalable model that will deliver
solutions ranging from local disk-to-disk backup with off-site
replication, all the way to HA at the customer’s site replicating to
our virtualised DR infrastructure where we can fail-over the entire
server estate to satisfy the most demanding RTOs.

He continues, "We developed
the solution in response to the bad experiences of many customers to
other online cloud services, where the quality and speed of the
recovery service fell short of expectations, and where costs were
drastically increasing year on year.

"Many of these cloud backup
services were set up to provide file recovery on a ‘cost per gigabyte per
month’ model for domestic customers, and then extended their reach
into the commercial market. As many business customers have found to
their cost, there is a world of difference and pain between the loss
of a 30Mb file and the complete loss of all your servers and SANs.
You can’t recover 2TB of data over the internet in any meaningful
time. For a business it’s all about the speed and quality of recovery
and the reliability of the DR service at the time of invocation.

Customers who have already invested in D2D backup solutions can replicate to the company’s DR
facility where, if or when needed, their servers can be recovered to
a VMware host infrastructure, enabling managed fail-over. This will
allow the customer to resume operational capability while they begin
the process of recovering their local infrastructure. Should they
require a complete hardware replacement, it can recover their entire
server estate to new hardware and ship to their site.

To complement this service, customers
can relocate their end user staff to a selection of Covenco workplace
recovery centres around the UK, where they can re-establish
operations allowing the business to continue trading whilst the
crisis management team look to replace core facilities.
