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IBM DS3500 Express Storage System Supports New Drives

400GB SSD, 10,000rpm 900GB and 7,200rpm 3TB SAS HDDs

The IBM System Storage DS3500 Express Storage Systems deliver new performance, capacity, and interoperability with the following features:

  • 200 GB and 400 GB 2.5-inch SAS SSDs (feature numbers 5500 and 5505, part numbers/SEOs 81Y9903 and 81Y9907): SSDs deliver higher performance and lower latency than traditional disk drives, and are ideally suited for high-performance environments.
  • 900 GB 10,000 rpm 2.5-inch 6Gb SAS disk drive (feature number 5225 part number/SEO 81Y9915): Dual-port, hot-swappable drive offering a higher-capacity option for performance-oriented environments.
  • 3 TB 7,200 rpm 3.5-inch 6Gb SAS NL disk drive (feature number 5185, part number/SEO 81Y9886): Dual-port, hot swappable drive offering a higher-capacity option for cost-oriented environments, increases the physical capacity supported in DS3512 and EXP3512 systems by up to 50%
  • Mac OS Host Kit (feature number 4730, part number/SEO 94Y8434): Provides support for selected Mac OS operating system running on selected Apple servers.

Key prerequisites

  • The 200 GB and 400 GB 2.5-inch SSDs and the 900 GB 10,000 rpm 2.5-inch 6Gb SAS disk drive:
  • Are supported on DS3524 Express Storage Systems and EXP3524 Expansion Units
  • Require controller firmware level 07.77, or later
  • Require DS Storage Manager 10.77, or later

The 3 TB 7,200 rpm 3.5-inch 6Gb SAS NL disk drive:

  • Is supported on DS3512 Express Storage Systems and EXP3512 Express Expansion Units
  • Requires controller firmware level 07.77, or later
  • Requires DS Storage Manager 10.77, or later

The Mac OS Host Kit:

  • Is supported on DS3512 and DS3524 Express Storage Systems
  • Requires controller firmware level 07.77, or later
  • Requires DS Storage Manager 10.77, or later

Planned availability date

  • September 9, 2011: All features except the Mac OS Host Kit
  • September 16, 2011: Mac OS Host Kit