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Pax8 and ConnectWise Partner

To fortify cybersecurity and data protection solutions for MSP ecosystem

Pax8, Inc. and ConnectWise, LLC announce a partnership to offer ConnectWise’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution within the Pax8 Marketplace.

Pax8 And Connectwise Partner

ConnectWise’s recent acquisition of 2 data protection companies, Axcient and SkyKick, are already available in the Pax8 Marketplace. The company is extending its MDR service to MSPs, providing an additional layer of protection for Pax8’s cybersecurity partners.

Considering the rising number of cybersecurity incidents, it is critical for MSPs to protect their clients’ data and assets while staying ahead of evolving threats. Detection and response capabilities have become essential to an MSP’s cybersecurity stack, yet finding in-house expertise and ensuring proactive threat detection can be daunting. To address these challenges, the 2 partners have teamed up to deliver cybersecurity through ConnectWise MDR.

ConnectWise MDR is an advanced security solution that combines technology with expert human oversight to safeguard critical assets from cyber threats.

Key benefits include:

  • Real-time reporting and dashboards to help meet compliance requirements.
  • In-depth insights into client security posture, speeding up time-to-remediation
  • 24/7 monitoring, detection, and response to threats by elite cybersecurity professionals using AI-powered technology.
  • Reduced client exposure to threats through MSP-specific threat intelligence, driven by the ConnectWise Cybersecurity Research Unit (CRU).

By integrating ConnectWise MDR into an MSPs service offerings, partners can take proactive steps to safeguard valuable data and assets from ever-evolving cyber threats,” said Ameer Karim, EVP and GM, cybersecurity and data protection, ConnectWise. “This comprehensive approach ensures uninterrupted business operations and boosts confidence in security measures. Our partnership with Pax8 and recent acquisitions like Axcient and SkyKick further strengthen the data protection and cybersecurity solutions we provide to MSPs.

This partnership represents a major milestone,” said Chris Timms, SVP and GM of ecosystems, ConnectWise. “We are excited to share more details at the IT Nation Connect event in November.

As a trusted leader in the MSP community, ConnectWise brings a suite of data protection and cybersecurity capabilities through MDR that we are thrilled to offer within our ecosystem,” said Nick Heddy, president, Pax8. “This strategic partnership perfectly aligns with our mission to simplify the cloud buying journey for MSPs, equipping them with the essential tools to thrive in today’s dynamic technology landscape. We firmly believe that this partnership marks the beginning of a transformative alliance that will revolutionize the MSP industry.

Additional details to be unveiled at IT Nation Connect November 6-8, 2024.
