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Alibaba Group Holding Assigned Patent

Storage and verification

Alibaba Group Holding Limited, George Town, KY, has been assigned a patent (12052356) developed by Wu; Caidi, Shanghai, China, for method and apparatus for data storage and verification.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “Disclosed are data storage and verification methods and a device executable in a trusted execution environment. The data storage method comprises: encrypting, using a first key, user data and version information of the user data to generate first ciphertext, and storing the first ciphertext into a general storage space (S310); generating verification information of the user data (S320); and storing the version information and the verification information into a secure storage space (S330). The present disclosure effectively prevents version rollback of user data.

The patent application was filed on 2021-09-21 (17/481131)
