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BMC Software Assigned Patent

Writing and reading data sets to and from cloud storage for legacy mainframe applications

BMC Software, Inc., Houston, TX, has been assigned a patent (12056387) developed by Rabinov; David, Netanya, Israel, Bahat; Roded, Haifa, Israel, Polotsky; Dori, Ramat Gan, Israel, Baruch; Offer, Gannei Tikva, Israel, Zelberzvig; Tomer, Rehovot, Israel, Peleg; Gil, Kiryat-Ono, Israel, Perry; Mark Gordon, Livardia Larnaca, Republic of Cyprus, and Ifrah; Shy, Ashdod, Israel, for writing and reading data sets to and from cloud storage for legacy mainframe applications.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “Methods, and computer program product for writing data sets to and from cloud storage for legacy mainframe applications. A call to a mount request issued by the operating system is intercepted. An exit call to prepare for dataset write is received from an OS open routine. At least one call to a Basic Sequential Access Method (BSAM) End of Block (EOB) write routine is intercepted. Subject to the at least one call to the BSAM EOB routine being associated with cloud storage, data chunks are sent in an asynchronous manner to cloud storage. A second exit call for finalizing writing of the data chunks to the cloud storage is received. A call to an unmount request is intercepted. As a result, data is written directly from the mainframe to the cloud storage without intermediate storage.

The patent application was filed on 2022-06-03 (17/832328).
