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UACJ and Furukawa Electric Assigned Patent

Thin substrate built-in HDD and base plate member for thin substrate built-in HDD

UACJ Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, and Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, has been assigned a patent (12033665) developed by Kitawaki; Kotaro, Hatakeyama; Hideyuki, Kumagai; Wataru, and Sakamoto; Ryo, Tokyo, Japan, for thin substrate built-in hard disk drive and base plate member for thin substrate built-in hard disk drive.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “An example thin substrate built-in hard disk drive includes a magnetic disk in a disk shape having a through-hole at the center, a spindle motor inserted into the through-hole of the magnetic disk and co-rotatably supporting the magnetic disk, and a base plate made of an aluminum alloy and supporting the spindle motor. The base plate has a metallographic structure in which a perimeter of a second phase particle having a longest diameter of 10µm or more is 3 mm/mm.sup.2 or more, and the number of second phase particles having a longest diameter of 500µm or more is 0 particles/mm.sup.2.

The patent application was filed on 2023-04-20 (18/303899).
