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R&D: Floating Gate Potential of Gate-all-around Floating Gate Memory Cell, Parameter Extraction and Compact Model

Results indicate that subthreshold degradation is caused by interface trap charge in experimental device, and proposed model successfully replicates experimental data.

Physica Scripta has published an article written by Afiq Hamzah, N Ezaila Alias, Zaharah Johari, Michael Loong Peng Tan, and Jamaluddin Zakaria, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Skudai, Malaysia.

Abstract: The compact modeling of flash memories is crucial for integrated circuit designers to carry out efficient and precise circuit-level evaluations, particularly in the case of 3D NAND flash where the 3D geometry leads to significant parasitic coupling impacts on performance. In this work, we proposed a charge-based modeling approach for gate-all-around floating gate memory cells. The compact model is based on the derived unified charge control model where the mobile charge is explicitly solved. By solving the charge balance model and taking into account voltage-dependent parasitic capacitances for accurate coupling effects, the floating gate potential is accurately computed. The simulation results are validated with numerical TCAD simulation and showed good agreement with TCAD simulation. By solving the charge balance model and considering voltage-dependent parasitic capacitances for more accurate coupling effects, the floating gate potential is accurately calculated. Additionally, the results indicate that subthreshold degradation is caused by interface trap charge in the experimental device, and the proposed model successfully replicates experimental data.
