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Odaseva Technologies Assigned Patent

Securely handling and storing customer data without enabling human access to data

Odaseva Technologies SAS, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, has been assigned a patent (12032718) developed by Bin; Sovane, San Francisco, CA, Dekoum; Saddek, Ris Orangis, France, Fonrouge; Raphaël, Chatenay Malabry, France, and Lopitaux; Francois, San Carlos, CA, for system, method, and computer program for securely handling and storing customer data without enabling human access to the data.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A system for securely handling and storing customer data without enabling human access to the data receives and processes the customer data for storage where the customer data is granularly encrypting without storing a key for decryption. The granularly-encrypted customer data is transmitted over a secure network to a cloud-based data storage system that has no access to the key for decryption. The system receives a request from the customer to transmit the customer data to an external destination. The system retrieves the granularly-encrypted customer data from the cloud-based data storage system over a secure network and receives the key for decryption from the customer. The system decrypts the granularly-encrypted customer data using the key and discards the key. The system processes the customer data for transmission and transmits the customer data to the external destination over a secure network.

The patent application was filed on 2021-01-22 (17/156409).
