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History 2005: WW Email Archiving Application Grew Nearly Sixfold in 2 Years

Expected to top $180 million WW in 2004

Email archiving applications revenue is expected to top $180 million WW in 2004, up from just $33 million two years ago, and to continue to grow at a CAGR of over 50% through 2008, reveals a new IDC study, Worldwide Email Archiving Applications 2004-2008 Forecast (14 pages, $4,500).

Demand will continue to be driven by the explosive growth in email and other electronic records, the increased regulatory environment and focus on corporate governance, and the need to respond to urgent litigation and discovery requests.

Organizations now more than ever have a much greater obligation than before to ensure that their email is retained in its original state without being altered, viewed, or deleted by unauthorized people,” said Julie Rahal Marabella, IDC senior research analyst, information management for compliance. “As a result, email archiving has emerged as a crucial piece of a comprehensive, sustainable strategy for corporate compliance, corporate governance, and risk management.”

M&As involving email archiving, storage software, and content management vendors are transforming the landscape of this emerging market. Vendors must find the most appealing and efficient way to address both urgent near-term and important long-term customer needs for automating the increasingly important business process of archiving content in internal and external email communications.

The need to know what information your firm has and where you can store and find that information in an efficient manner is driving the surge in demand for email archiving applications. Whether it is delivered as dedicated solutions or as embedded functionality, email archiving will most likely be appearing in a datacenter near you,” said Mark Levitt, IDC research VP, collaborative computing.

This article is an abstract of news published on issue 206 on March 2005 from the former paper version of Computer Data  Storage Newsletter.
