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Infineon Technologies Assigned Patent

Flexible support for device emulation and bank swapping

Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany, has been assigned a patent (12032960) developed by Vangipuram; Sandeep, Bristol, Great Britain, and Farrall; Glenn Ashley, Long Ashton, Great Britain, for a flexible support for device emulation and bank swapping.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A non-volatile memory (NVM) integrated circuit device includes a processing device and an NVM array of memory cells partitioned into a first physical region and a second physical region. The NVM integrated circuit device also includes a plurality of routing circuits, a first decoder associated with a first routing circuit, and a second decoder associated with a second routing circuit. The NVM integrated circuit device also includes a first programmable register coupled to the plurality of routing circuits, wherein the first programmable register is to store a first multi-bit value, the first multi-bit value programmed by the processing device to configure a first address range associated with the first decoder. The NVM integrated circuit device also includes a second programmable register coupled to the plurality of routing circuits, wherein the second programmable register is to store a second multi-bit value, the second multi-bit value programmed by the processing device to configure a second address range associated with the second decoder.

The patent application was filed on 2022-03-30 (17/708882).
