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TitanFile Integrations with Microsoft and NetDocuments

Release upgrades to ‘Secure Send’ Outlook integration, launch Microsoft 365 integration and unveil integration with NetDocuments.

TitanFile, provider in secure file sharing and collaboration, has worked with Microsoft Corp. and NetDocuments to bring new tools and user experiences to market.

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The company will release upgrades to its ‘Secure Send’ Outlook integration, launch a Microsoft 365 integration and unveil an integration with NetDocuments.

Today, we reaffirm our deep commitment to offering our customers and users the most complete and efficient experience for sharing files securely and seamlessly,” said Tony Abou-Assaleh, CEO. “By furthering our collaboration with Microsoft and NetDocuments, we’re empowering our customers with very powerful capabilities and workflows to significantly elevate their productivity.”

With TitanFile’s renowned Secure Send product that offers a one-of-a-kind Outlook integration, users get the best of both worlds. They can continue using Outlook’s familiar email experience for specific matters while also benefiting from TitanFile’s capabilities around large file sharing and security. The enhanced Secure Send now also supports Outlook Web, meeting the rapidly growing demand for its adoption.

The TitanFile–Microsoft 365 integration transforms professional collaboration by keeping document interactions secure and compliant, boosting productivity and streamlining workflows. It enables solution’s users to edit and collaborate on Microsoft 365 documents directly from TitanFile.

Additionally, the company’s NetDocuments integration elevates legal practices by enhancing productivity and streamlining workflows between the 2 highly secure platforms. The integration with NetDocuments enables its users who benefit from NetDocuments highly secure file sharing and collaboration capabilities to seamlessly leverage TitanFile to send high volumes of files and very large files more quickly and easily. The integration eliminates the need to manually move files between platforms or to local storage, allowing legal professionals to focus on their core practice areas and manage their work with NetDocuments, while knowing that they have the added capability to send gigabytes and terabytes of data with TitanFile’s fast technology.

Over the past 11 years as a TitanFile customer, we have been consistently impressed by their remarkable growth and unwavering dedication to meeting customer needs, especially within the legal sector,” said Sherri Thom, IT director, Stewart McKelvey. “TitanFile’s commitment to prioritizing its customers is both evident and greatly appreciated. As NetDocuments users, we are particularly excited about the value TitanFile’s new integration will bring, streamlining our workflows and enhancing overall productivity and security. Additionally, the new integration with Microsoft 365 will boost collaboration capabilities, ensuring a seamless and secure experience.

We are thrilled to introduce these significant advancements to our technology and share it with our customers and the attendees of ILTACON,” said Abou-Assaleh. “Our goal is to provide our customers and users with the most advanced and user-friendly solutions for secure file sharing and collaboration. With these significant upgrades, we are confident that our platform will continue to set the standard for high productivity, efficiency and security.

The company was presenting these product advancements at ILTACON 2024. The company was located at the company’s booth and was providing demos of the products both here and at its demo suite at Ryman Studio J. There was also the opportunity to learn more about these product enhancements and the additional solutions TitanFile has to offer in its hospitality suite.
