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Primos Storage Technology Assigned Patent

Transaction-based storage system and method that uses variable sized objects to store data

Primos Storage Technology, LLC, Saratoga, CA, has been assigned a patent (12032835) developed by Cousins; Robert E., Saratoga, CA, for transaction-based storage system and method that uses variable sized objects to store data.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “Aspects of the innovations herein are consistent with a storage system for storing variable sized objects. According to certain implementations, the storage system may be a transaction-based system that uses variable sized objects to store data, and/or may be implemented using data stores, such as arrays disks arranged in ranks. In some exemplary implementations, each rank may include multiple stripes, each stripe may be read and written as a convenient unit for maximum performance, and/or a rank manager may be provided to dynamically configure the ranks. In certain implementations, the storage system may include a stripe space table that contains entries describing the amount of space used in each stripe. Further, an object map may provide entries for each object in the storage system describing the location, the length and/or version of the object.

The patent application was filed on 2023-04-18 (18/136217).
