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Ceremorphic Assigned Patent

Storing and accessing preprocessed data

Ceremorphic, Inc., San Jose, CA, has been assigned a patent (12026093) developed by John; Lizy Kurian, Austin, TX, Mattela; Venkat, San Jose, CA, and Park; Heonchul, Pleasanton, CA, for system And method for storing and accessing preprocessed data.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A data storage system has a CPU data bus for reading and writing data to data accelerators. Each data accelerator has a controller which receives the read and write requests and determines whether to read or write a local cache memory in preprocessed form or an attached accelerator memory which has greater size capacity based on entries in an address translation table (ATT) and saves data in a raw unprocessed form. The controller may also include an address translation table for mapping input addresses to memory addresses and indicating the presence of data in preprocessed form.

The patent application was filed on 2022-08-08 (17/883249).
