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FMS 2024: NplusT TMC-100 Advanced Reliability Evaluation Solution for Neuromorphic Computational Arrays

Designed for reliability evaluation of neuromorphic computational arrays

At FMS 2024, NplusT Srl announces the release of TMC-100, the latest configuration in its TestMesh family.

Nplust At Fms 2024 1

This solution is designed for the reliability evaluation of neuromorphic computational arrays.

Nplust Tmc 100

Building on versatile TestMesh architecture, TMC-100 introduces suite of features tailored for unique demands of neuromorphic computing:

  • Aging and stress testing: The TMC-100 excels in performing extensive aging and stress tests, ensuring the long-term reliability of computational arrays.
  • High-speed cycling: This feature enables rapid aging cycles, accelerating the testing process and providing quicker insights into device performance over time.
  • Precision multilevel and analog cell management: The TMC-100 offers accuracy in managing multilevel and analog cells, crucial for the nuanced requirements of neuromorphic systems.

The TMC-100 is equipped with analog instrumentation, including waveform generators, reference voltages, and current sensing and measurement circuits. Additionally, it incorporates digital signal capabilities to effectively characterize complex test arrays. A dedicated multiplexer routes tester signals to the rows and columns of the NVM array, ensuring precise and reliable evaluation.

The TMC-100 represents an advancement in the field of neuromorphic array testing, providing researchers and developers with a powerful tool to push the boundaries of computational technology.
