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R&D: Securely Cloud Storage and Sharing

Paper proposes novel approach for securely storing and sharing data in cloud, addressing vulnerabilities associated with traditional cloud storage models.

Journal of Informatics Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JIEEE) has published an article written by Nishant kumar, Neelesh Jain, Computer science & Engineering, SAM College of Engineering and Technology, Bhopal, India, and Prateek Singhal, Department of Computer Engineering and Applications, GLA University, Mathura, India.

Abstract: With the increasing adoption of cloud computing, data storage and sharing have be-come integral parts of our digital lives. However, ensuring the security and privacy of data stored in the cloud remains a significant challenge. This paper proposes a novel approach for securely storing and sharing data in the cloud, addressing the vulnerabilities associated with traditional cloud storage models. The proposed approach utilizes advanced cryptographic techniques, including hyperchaotic encryption and hash functions, to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data stored in the cloud. The hyperchaotic encryption algorithm provides a high level of security by introducing chaos-based dynamics into the encryption process, making it resistant to various attacks. Additionally, the hash function ensures the integrity of data by generating unique identifiers for each file stored in the cloud. To enhance data sharing security, the proposed approach employs access control mechanisms and user authentication protocols. Access control rules are enforced to restrict unauthorized access to data, while user authentication ensures that only legitimate users can access and modify the shared data.
