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Micro Focus Assigned Patent

Selecting subscribing computing node to execute storage plan for data shard

Micro Focus LLC, Santa Clara, CA, acquired by Opentext, has been assigned a patent (12019588) developed by Deng; Ning, Bei; Yuanzhe, and Kalinin; Alexander, Cambridge, MA, for selecting subscribing computing node to execute data storage plan for data shard.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A distributed database system maintains a database including a data shard for which a primary computing node is responsible. The primary computing node identifies a data storage plan for the data shard. The plan identifies a file subset of data storage files of the shard to be merged into a larger data storage file, and a node subset of computing nodes of the system that subscribe to the data shard. The primary node identifies which computing nodes of the node subset each have sufficient computing resources to execute the plan, as candidate computing nodes. The primary node identifies which files of the file subset each candidate computing node locally caches. The primary node selects one candidate computing node to execute the plan, based on the files of the file subset that each candidate computing node locally caches. The primary node causes the selected candidate computing node to execute the plan.

The patent application was filed on 2022-01-19 (17/578644).
