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Longitude Flash Memory Solutions Assigned Patent

Low standby power with fast turn on method for NVM devices

Longitude Flash Memory Solutions Ltd., Dublin, Ireland, has been assigned a patent (12014800) developed by Zonte; Cristinel, Raghavan; Vijay, Gradinariu; Iulian C, Moscaluk; Gary Peter, Colorado Springs, CO, Bettman; Roger, Lost Altos, CA, Argrawal; Vineet, San Jose, CA, and Leshner; Samuel, Los Gatos, CA, for a low standby power with fast turn on method for non-volatile memory devices.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “Systems and methods for driving a non-volatile memory device in a standby operating condition are disclosed. A standby detection circuit detects whether the non-volatile memory system is in a standby condition. In response to determining that the non-volatile memory system is in a standby condition, a bias control circuit provides bias currents to drivers of the non-volatile memory system in a standby mode.

The patent application was filed on 2023-02-13 (18/108762).
