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Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Assigned Patent

Optical disc device and recording and reproduction device

Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan, has been assigned a patent (12014761) developed by Kuze; Yuuichi, Yajima; Masatoshi, Osaka, Japan, Konishi; Shinichi, Nara, Japan, and Nishioka; Akihiko, Osaka, Japan, for optical disc device and recording and reproduction device.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “An optical disc device includes: an optical pickup including a first laser light source that emits laser light, an objective lens that focuses the laser light emitted from the first laser light source onto an optical disc, and a light receiving element that receives reflected light from the optical disc, and performs photoelectric conversion on the reflected light received to output a received-light signal; an FS signal generator that generates an FS signal indicating the light amount of the reflected light from the optical disc, based on the received-light signal from the light receiving element; and a dirt determiner that determines that dirt is present in the optical pickup, when the peak level of the FS signal is less than a dirt determination threshold, and controls the light receiving element to increase the peak level of the received-light signal from the light receiving element.

The patent application was filed on 2021-10-06 (18/030226).
