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Hand Held Products Assigned Patent

Encoding and decoding data

Hand Held Products, Inc., Charlotte, NC, has been assigned a patent (12014240) developed by Martinez; Rene, Ramamurthy; Shashidhar, Seattle, WA, and Peternel; James, Edmonds, WA, for systems and methods for encoding and decoding data.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “An encoding method is illustrated. The method includes receiving data to be encoded onto a storage media, wherein the data corresponds to an item and is assigned to a data category. Further, the method includes parsing data into a plurality of data portions, based on one or more first characteristics associated with each of one or more characters in the data. The method further includes encoding, by the processor, the plurality of data portions using a plurality of encoding schemes, to generate a data packet, such that a first data portion of the plurality of data portions is encoded using a first encoding scheme of the plurality of encoding schemes and a second data portion of the plurality of data portions is encoded using a second encoding scheme of the plurality of encoding schemes, wherein the first encoding scheme is different from the second encoding scheme. Furthermore, the method includes transmitting the data packet, wherein the data packet is configured to be stored in the storage media.

The patent application was filed on 2023-06-26 (18/341465).
