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Entrantech Assigned Patent

Apparatus and architecture of NVM module in parallel configuration

Entrantech Inc., Gilroy, CA, has been assigned a patent (12014078) developed by Chen; Kong-Chen, Gilroy, CA, for apparatus and architecture of non-volatile memory module in parallel configuration.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A non-volatile memory module in parallel architecture is described. It includes memory function and data storage function in a single module. It enables host system to use memory bus to access storage devices and to use the same memory command protocol for storage device access. The parallel architecture enables contents in memory devices and storage devices to be exchanged freely on module under the control of host memory controller to boost performance of computer and to retain data even if power to computer is shut off. The configuration of non-volatile memory module can be partitioned or expanded into multiple independent channels on module seamlessly with or without ECC supports.

The patent application was filed on 2022-09-21 (17/949845).
