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Panasonic Avionics Assigned Patent

Distributed storage for in-vehicle entertainment system

Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Irvine, CA, has been assigned a patent (11985362) developed by Jiang, Yichao, Irvine, CA, and Barnes, Andrew, Mission Viejo, CA, for adistributed data storage for in-vehicle entertainment system.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: A data storage system for providing entertainment content to terminal devices in a passenger vehicle is provided to comprise: a first group of terminal devices configured to operate as storage nodes of a storage cluster configured to provide the entertainment content to media playback devices disposed in the passenger vehicle, the entertainment content including one or more entertainment programs and the storage nodes configured to store blocks of the one or more entertainment programs, a second group of terminal devices configured to operate as monitor nodes in the storage cluster, the monitor nodes configured to monitor status of the storage nodes, and a host in communication with the first group and the second group of the terminal devices via an in-vehicle network and configured to store metadata for the storage cluster and facilitate delivery of the entertainment content from the first group of terminal devices to the media playback devices.

The patent application was filed on 2023-03-09 (18/181063).
