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Xilinx/AMD Assigned Patent

Flash memory emulation

Xilinx, Inc., (acquired by AMD, Inc.) San Jose, CA, has been assigned a patent (11874768) developed by Steger, Daniel, Santa Clara, CA, for a flash memory emulation.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “Disclosed approaches for emulating flash memory include storage circuits having respective address decoders. An input-output circuit has pins compatible with a flash memory device and is configured to input flash commands and output response signals via pins. An emulator circuit is configured to translate each flash command into one or more storage-circuit commands compatible with one storage circuit of the storage circuits, and to generate response signals compatible with the flash memory device. A translator circuit is configured to map a flash memory address in each flash command to an address of the one storage circuit, and to transmit the one or more storage-circuit commands and address to the one storage circuit.

The patent application was filed on 2019-11-14 (16/684477).
