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Archive360 Assigned Patent

Archiving and retrieving data

Archive360, LLC, New York, NY, has been assigned a patent (11860816) developed by Popp, Tiberiu, Greenlawn, NY, Czeczulin, Nick, Incline Village, NV, and Desteno, Robert, Rutherford, NJ, for methods and systems for archiving and retrieving data.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “Data items are archived by separating them into two or more data streams according to common characteristics or categories. Data item properties, including custodian and date properties, are defined for the items in each stream. A record manifest, including metadata corresponding to the data item properties for the stream, is created. The data items and the manifest are stored. The data items are indexed only on demand, and only to the extent necessary to satisfy the demand. When data is restored from archival storage, it is combined with the stub in a manner that treats the stub and stored data as complementary parts, thus preserving any changes to the stub that are not reflected in the archive copy.

The patent application was filed on 2017-05-30 (16/306257).
