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DesignCon: Alphawave Semi and Teledyne LeCroy Unveils PCIe 7.0 Signal Generation and Measurement

Results will show that Alphawave Semi 128Gb SerDes, when measured with Teledyne LeCroy 12-bit, 65GHz oscilloscope, passes all expected PCI-SIG PCIe 7.0 electrical base and compliance tests.

Alphawave Semi and Teledyne Lecroy, Inc. announced the PCIe 7.0 signal generation, transmission, and measurement collaboration at DesignCon in Santa Clara, CA.

Alphavawe Semi Teledyne Lecroy Logos

This launch is the culmination of the 2 companies’ collaborative efforts, with results that push the boundaries of signal transmission and measurement technologies. These results accelerate the deployment of PCIe 7.0 technology for data-intensive AI workloads for hyperscaler and data infrastructure applications.

Technical session presentation
The 2 partners jointly presented Correlation Methodology for 128GT/s Operation for PCIe Gen 7 DSP-Based IBIS-AMI Models on February 1 in Ballroom B at the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA.

The technical presentation will showcase Alphawave Semi’s I/O Buffer Information Specification algorithmic modeling interface (IBIS-AMI). This interface is integral to predicting the transmitter output performance of the Alphawave Semi 128Gb/s DSP-based Serializer-Deserializer (SerDes), using Teledyne LeCroy’s WaveMaster 8650HD 65GHz, 12-bit high-definition oscilloscope (HDO) and QualiPHY compliance test software for PCIe 7.0.

Results will show that the Alphawave Semi 128Gb SerDes, when measured with the Teledyne LeCroy 12-bit, 65GHz oscilloscope, passes all expected PCI-SIG PCIe 7.0 electrical base and compliance tests, including:

  • Transmitter jitter
  • Pulse response
  • Signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR).

Live demonstration at Teledyne LeCroy’s booth
Following the technical session presentation, attendees can experience a live demonstration at Teledyne LeCroy booth in the DesignCon exhibition hall to witness firsthand the simulation and transmitter test validations for PCI-SIG PCIe 7.0 electrical base and compliance test specification requirements.

The technical session and demonstration will be the 1st to demonstrate a correlation between models and measurements for 128GT/s data transfers using a 65GHz oscilloscope. This will play a vital role in supporting the development of the PCIe 7.0 compliance program.
