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Aviatrix Systems Assigned Patent

Secure data transfer

Aviatrix Systems, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, has been assigned a patent (11784976) developed by Wei, Xiaobo Sherry, Palo Alto, CA, Kunnath, Ramakrishnan, Milpitas, CA, and Sreekumar, Arvind, Santa Clara, CA, for system and method for secure data transfer.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “In one embodiment, a secure exchange system is described. The secure exchange system includes a virtual private cloud network and a controller. The virtual private cloud network includes a plurality of gateways, each gateway of the plurality of gateways is configured to generate one or more local directories. Each local directory of the one or more local directories representing one or more stored objects within a public cloud storage element. The controller is configured to authenticate a user prior to granting the user access to the virtual private cloud network. The gateways are accessible by the user over AWS Direct Connect, where the public cloud storage element is a S3 bucket.

The patent application was filed on 2020-09-02 (17/010822).
