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History 2003: Joint Venture Between Imation and Moser Baer

Named Global Data Media

Imation and $154 million writable CD/DVD manufacturer Moser Baer India have created a 51/49% joint venture, Global Data Media, to serve as a marketing company for optical media products.

Imation Moser Baer

$10 million have been invested in the venture.

In addition, the companies announced an agreement to allow for the development and sharing of technical knowledge about optical storage formats and manufacturing best practices, and a supply agreement that establishes Moser Baer India as a significant source for lmation’s optical media products.

Note that the Indian company has for some time been a major supplier of storage media (floppies and optical discs) to Imation.

No relation to the Imation accord, Moser Baer recently underwent an European anti-dumping enquiry involving CD-Rs. In the end, the commission found no evidence of dumping.

This article is an abstract of news published on issue 182 on March 2003 from the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter.

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