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Teledyne LeCroy Launches OCP V2.0 SSD Validation Testing Solution

Expands compliance testing support to 3nd gen OCP spec to ensure SSD performance.

Teledyne LeCroy announces compliance testing support for the 2nd gen of the OCP Datacenter NVMe SSD Specification (v2.0) within the OakGate SSD test platform and from Austin Labs testing services.

OCP v2.0 Cloud SSD Compliance Validation Test suite screenshot
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Teledyne Lecroy Ocp V2.0 Cloud Ssd Compliance Validation Test Suite Screenshot 2302

OCP v2.0 builds on OCP v1.0a adding new and enhanced validation testing requirements. And the company’s OCP v2.0 compliance software suite provides a level of functionality, performance, and ease of use for testing enterprise-level storage devices.

OCP v2.0 was developed to improve workload throughput and reduce latency in hyper-scaling applications. Validating SSD compliance and functionality ensures the highest possible level of performance. Testing for compliance using the firm’s OCP v2.0 Cloud SSD Compliance software Suite makes validation easy.

The OCP Datacenter NVMe SSD 2.0 Specification is a collaboration of hyperscaler’s and OEMs to enable SSDs with improved time to market, quality and increased features in the industry.” said Ross Stenfort, hardware systems engineer, Meta. “Teledyne LeCroy supporting this specification will enable suppliers to validate against the updated industry specification.

Supplementing the company‘s OCP Compliance Test solutions, Austin Labs, the premier 3rd-party test and validation center for storage devices, offers customized OCP (v1.0a and v2.0) Cloud SSD testing services to help customers deliver fully tested products to market on time and within budget. The Austin Labs services are designed for highly accelerated testing, interoperability, and validation of enterprise products and solutions.

The OCP 2.0 Cloud SSD Compliance Suite can be ordered.

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