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Top 25 Cloud Backup Enablers List for November 2022

Top 5 being Asigra, Veeam, Rubrik, HYCU and Navistar

According to Backup Review, the growth of the cloud backup industry, over the last decade has been dramatic.

The market has witnessed the rise and fall of many start-ups and stabilization of others. Interestingly, the companies that have gained a strong foothold in the industry are not all similar. There is a subtle distinction in the nature and types of services they offer. Some of these companies are pure enablers, while others combine enablement functions with direct-to-market services. Yet others, may license the software from enablers with or without re-branding options and service the cloud backup service needs of their clients.

Five distinct categories can be identified as under:
1/ Pure Enabler
2/ Enabler & Service Provider – Channel or Direct
3/ Service Provider – Channel Only
4/ Service Provider – Channel and Direct
5/ Service Provider – Direct Only

Based on a number of factors, such as technology, features, easy of use, dedication to MSPs, channel, revenue structure, reputation, support, price entry point, value, and corporate culture of the companies, we have summarized our rankings.

Top 25 Cloud Data Backup Enablers List November 2022
