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XenData CX-10 Plus Cloud Archive Appliance with Local Backup to LTO Tape

Starting at $11,950 excluding managed LTO drive or autoloader, and supporting multiple clouds including Amazon Web Services S3, Azure blob storage, Wasabi S3 and Seagate Lyve object storage and multiple cloud storage tiers including AWS Glacier Flexible Retrieval and Deep Glacier and Azure Hot, Cool and Archive tiers

XenData, Inc. announces the CX-10 Plus, a cloud archive appliance with local backup to LTO tape.

Xendata Cx 10 Plus Diagram 2208

The appliance connects to a local network and provides a fast gateway to unlimited cloud object storage. Content written to the cloud is mirrored to LTO data cartridges creating a local backup copy for enhanced data protection. This saves money as it is an alternative to paying for geo-replication from the cloud provider. And if there is a need to move to a different cloud provider, files can be restored from the LTO backup, avoiding expensive egress fees.

The appliance is optimized for media archives allowing users to play video files directly from the cloud. Furthermore, it has proven integration with many complementary media applications including MAM systems. It provides a fast connection to cloud object storage by using multi-threaded archive and restore operations, even when transferring a single large video file.

The CX-10 Plus supports multiple clouds including Amazon Web Services S3, Azure blob storage, Wasabi S3 and Seagate Lyve object storage. It supports multiple cloud storage tiers including AWS Glacier Flexible Retrieval and Deep Glacier and Azure Hot, Cool and Archive tiers.

CX-10 Plus front and rear

Xendata Cx 10 Plus Front And Rear 2208

Content written to the cloud is mirrored to LTO data cartridges creating a local backup copy. The appliance manages up to 2 external LTO drives or an LTO autoloader and it includes a 14TB disk cache which is used to implement the LTO backup, as follows:

  • All archived files are 1st written to the CX-10 Plus internal 14TB disk cache from where they are immediately uploaded to the designated cloud storage.

  • Archived files are retained on the cache for a defined retention period, typically a day.

  • Every few hours the files are synchronized to LTO creating a mirror copy of the file-folder structure that has been archived to the cloud.

Dr. Phil Storey, CEO, commented, “The CX-10 Plus has two key benefits. Creating a local synchronized copy of every file written to the cloud gives peace of mind.And the Appliance easily pays for itself by minimizing cloud storage fees.”

The CX-10 Plus will be available in September 2022. Prices start at $11,950, excluding the managed LTO drive or autoloader.

Xendata Cx 10 Plus Software Licence 2208

Xendata Cx 10 Plus Spectabl 2208

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