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All Storage Start-Ups Historically Known So Far: 1,056, and 508 Alive

Only four born in 2020 and just one in 2021

Here we are reporting on how many storage start-ups were born each year from 1966 to 2021.

At this time, we discovered no one in 2022.

Note that, for the most recent years, there will be more than that as others are up to know unknown because they are currently in stealth mode and didn’t reveal their existence.

97 is the record number of emergences of new start-ups, in 2010. Later, since 2013, this number constantly decreased as it’s clear that there are less and less dramatic advancements in storage able to revolutionize this business.

The total number of storage star-ups discovered is 1,056, including 45 where born date is unknown, explaining why only 1,011 are listed below.

Start Ups All

(Source: StorageNewsletter.com)

From which countries?
Not surprising, the large majority (75%) is born in USA, historically the country of storage.

Country Number %
USA 792 75%
France 43 4%
UK 36 3%
Canada 35 3%
Israel* 31 3%
China 13 1%
Belgium 12 1%
Switzerland 9 0.8%
Germany 9 0.8%
Australia 8 0.8%
India 8 0.8%
Others 60 5%
Total 1,056 100%

* Several start-ups were funded in Israel but transferred HQs in USA
(Source: StorageNewsletter.com)

By business when known

Business Number %
Software 533 56%
Hardware 331 35%
Fundamental technology 47 5%
Infiniband 19 2%
Security 14 1%
Total 944 100%

Some companies are listed in more than one category
(Source: StorageNewsletter.com)

Among the 1,058 known storage start-ups, only 508 are alive, more of them with no future or hoping for an acquirer or an eventual rare IPO:

Situation Number %
Remaining start-up 508 48%
Acquired 321 30%
Closed 191 18%
Public via IPO 36 3%
Total 1,056 100%

(Source: StorageNewsletter.com)

All start-ups known so far born in 2020

Name (HQs) Web CEO Total investment ($) Business
Ionir (Tel Aviv, Israel) ionir.com Mike Wall   cloud native storage and data platform for Kubernetes; formerly Reduxio Systems
GRAID Technology (Santa Clara, CA) graidtech.com Leander Yu 18 NVMe and NVMeoF RAID card
Tsecond (San Jose, CA) tsecond.us Sahil Chawla 4.6 technologies that reimagine how enterprises and organizations activate big data to drive insights and innovation, Bryck Portable Media Device to capture, process, move and store data from anywhere
Speedb (Tel Aviv, Israel) speedb.io Adi Gelvan 4 embeddable solution compliant with RocksDB storage engines

(Source: StorageNewsletter.com)

Start-up known so far born in 2021

Name Web CEO   Business
Solidigm (San Jose, CA) solidigmtechnology.com (Rob) B. Crooke SSDs, subsidiary of SH hynix following acquisition of Intel