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Xopero GitProtect.io Backup Software for GitLab

Why do you need that?

From Xopero Software S.A.

Data loss costs millions of dollars, and the cost depends on the value of the data itself. Loss of source code and IP of some code-oriented companies might cause collapse and bankruptcy. While businesses of all kinds are increasingly defined by their software, protecting code is synonymous with protecting the company itself.

1 Gitlab Backup

What are the places where development teams spend thousands of hours (and money) to write, support, and improve projects? Git hosting services, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.

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GitLab backup – #1 in the world
GitProtect.io, the Git repository backup software vendor, expanded portfolio of the first GitLab backup software that now supports GitLab repositories and metadata, including pull requests, issues, wikis, comments, webhooks, pipelines, milestones. This automated backup software aims to replace internally written scripts, that are usually insufficient, as well as time- and work-consuming. Thus GitProtect.io for GitLab brings automated data protection and the central management console that reduce administrative overhead and allows IT managers to focus on what’s most important – development and generating growth while staying compliant.

The mission behind this project is to support DevOps and include backup as an inherent part of the pipeline so that no development team ever loses a single line of source code.

The vendor paraphrases the well-known words in the industry that there are 2 types of people: those who do repository backups and those who will (once they experience a data breach or cyber-attack). So for those who do and will, GitProtect.io delivers automated backup and recovery for all GitHub, Bitbucket, and now also GitLab data.

Now, all 30 million GitLab users, 56 million registered developers of GitHub, and over 10 million business customers of Bitbucket can take advantage of the free GitProtect.io trial on the official project website.

Ups, something went wrong – why do you need GitLab backup?
Can you imagine how much it would cost tech companies to lose access to the source code the entire IT development team has been working on for months? Is it even possible?

Source code, even if hosted within such reliable hosting services as Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab, might get unavailable or lost. While those services are considered accessible and proven, no service provider can ensure customers with 100% availability. For example, in June 2020, GitHub experienced a major outage that lasted for hours and impacted millions of developers. Some time ago a huge outage happened to GitLab.com and made its services unavailable for many hours. Moreover, the company lost some production data that was unable to recover.

Ransomware does not bypass those companies as well. In the history of these service providers, there were situations that attackers massively targeted Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab accounts, wiped code and commits from many repositories, and left behind only a mysterious ransom note.

Finally, we have to mention the nightmare of every head of IT and cybersecurity professional – human errors. Branch or old repository deletion, head overwrite synchronization problems, or some intentional malicious behavior – that’s just some of the developers’ mistakes that can put source code in danger or wipe it out irreversibly.

Source protection today
So, how do companies handle GitLab repository backup today? Generally: they don’t. And if so, there are usually DIY methods based on git-clone commands and self-written scripts. Some businesses rely on snapshots of their local git instances. But those approaches have their limitations – high-long-term costs of script administration, no backup verification, no automation, and no restore guarantee which could potentially make backup useless in case of any event of failure.

GitProtect.io – Next-gen GitLab backup
GitProtect.io is a professional, fully manageable GitHub, Bitbucket, and now also GitLab backup and disaster recovery software for any responsible and code-oriented business. The software ensures customers with repository and metadata automatic, and recurring backups, unlimited retention, repository archive possibilities, a data-driven central management console, easy monitoring and most of all disaster recovery features. It’s compatible with nearly any storage (cloud and local) so there is no need to invest in an additional IT infrastructure – you can bring your own storage or use free GitProtect.io cloud storage included.

GitProtect.io is a project of Xopero Software S.A., a company with over 12 years of backup experience and established partnerships with such companies as ESET, T-Mobile, and Orange.

Considering Intellectual Property value and GitLab emphasis on adequate data protection, we foresee that GitLab backup, in the footsteps of Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, or Salesforce, will become another, key data protection field considered as a part of every development process,” says Lukasz Jesis, founder and CEO, Xopero Software and GitProtect.io.

GitProtect.io is available on GitHub Marketplace and Bitbucket Marketplace. Now the company offers free trial options for GitLab users as the only backup service provider in the world.

GitProtect.io Blog
GitProtect.io, security by design

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