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WekaIO WekaFS V.3.13 Improved Experiences and Performance for AI Workloads on Premises and Cloud

Enhances capabilities for cloud deployments and provides capabilities for cloud native and virtualized applications on premise.

WekaIO, Inc. announced the latest version of its WekaFS, a fast storage for data-intensive applications that provides users with enhanced capabilities for cloud deployments and provides capabilities for both cloud native and virtualized applications on premises.

Company’s data platform, built on WekaFS, addresses the storage challenges posed by enterprise AI workloads and other performance applications running on-premises, in the cloud or bursting between platforms. One single data platform offers the simplicity of NAS, the performance of SAN or DAS and the scale of object storage along with accelerating every stage of the data pipeline from data ingestion to cleansing to modeled results.

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Wekafs Scheme

The additional enhancements available with version 3.13 of the software provide customers with an even better experience by addressing workload demands, integrating flash, S3 object storage, cloud and on-premises in a single framework.

Among new features in WekaFS 3.13 are:

  • AWS autoscaling groups thin provisioning
    It already supports AWS Autoscaling Groups to allow for easy, on the fly, scaling up of the cluster for peak demand periods and auto scaling down when not needed. For cloud-native applications autoscaling delivers the full flexibility of cloud elasticity by allowing resource instances to join or leave the group based on performance or user demand requirements.
    New in V.3.13, a filesystem can be set as thin provisioned when scaling the number of EC2 instances to be increased or decreased. When scaling up, as the NVMe capacity grows, these filesystems will get more NVMe capacity automatically added to them without additional user intervention. It also allows for shrinking the filesystem as EC2 instances are removed. This simplifies the entire storage management experience in AWS and works with AWS Budgets so you can track and take action on the cost of your dynamic AWS usage.

  • Remote backup to multiple object stores
    Remote Backup is available in 3.13, supporting the use of multiple S3 object stores. With 3.13, namespace expansion can now attach to a second object store for snap-to-object data protection and cloud bursting purposes. Now, for example, a daily snapshot can be stored to a local object store, while a monthly snapshot is uploaded to a remote object store. An additional feature of the Remote Backup capability is that Weka can upload just the incremental changes between each remote snapshot even if there are other local snapshots, allowing for both reduced network traffic and reduced capacity needed in the target object store.

  • Performance clients on VMware VMs
    While customers have previously been able to have virtual applications run vs. Weka storage in the past, there were some tradeoffs that needed to be made. Now, it is easier to use Weka FS reliably in a VMware environment. V.3.13 introduces support for VMXNET gen 3, the recent virtual network device from VMware. This allows for high-speed WekaFS operation with vMotion (vSphere) in a typical virtual environment. Load the Weka client onto the guest VM and make sure a VMXNET gen 3 network is attached.

  • CSI quota
    The Weka CSI plug-in provides the creation and configuration of persistent storage external to Kubernetes. At scale, customers have asked for ways to help control the consumption of storage in the Kubernetes environment. V.3.13 introduces CSI resource quota management to request volume size and enforce its limits via policies that are integrated in the plug-in to allow for tighter controls and reign in unchecked storage consumption.

Other storage vendors often refer to their latest versions as an ‘upgrade’ or an ‘evolution’ of their products but that simply means that previous iterations were lacking or that the company was slow to recognize needs in the market,” said Liran Zvibel, co-founder and CEO, WekaIO. “Because it was built for NVMe flash and cloud-native, Weka was designed to enable organizations to maximize the full value of their high-powered IT investments – compute, networking and storage. The Weka development model ensures that we continue to improve the product on a rapid basis and the latest features are an extension of our capabilities to better help users unlock the full capabilities of their data centers.

WekaFS 3.13 is available for new and existing customers.

Contact one of the company’s Weka Innovation Network partners for additional information.

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