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Magic Quadrant for HCI Software

Nutanix and VMware leaders as last year, DataCore dropped

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Magic Quadrant for Hyperconverged Infrastructure Software

This market report was published on November 17, 2021 by Jeffrey Hewitt, Philip Dawson, Julia Palmer, Tony Harvey.

Here is an abstract:

HCI software stacks support infrastructure that spans compute, storage, networking and management. I&O leaders should regard HCI software as a technology that addresses requirements related to the cloud-native, edge, hybrid cloud and virtual desktop infrastructure use cases

Magic Quadrant for HCI Software
Gartner Magic Quadrant For Hyperconverged Infrastructure Software

Company added:
Quantum was added because it purchased Pivot3.

Companies dropped:
• DataCore Software was dropped because it was unable to meet the inclusion criteria.
• Pivot3 was dropped because the vendor was purchased by Quantum.

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